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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Liberia Missions School Uncategorized


 An anthropologist proposed a game to the kids in an African tribe. He put a basket full of fruit near a tree and told the kids that who ever got there first won the sweet fruits. When he told them to run they all took each others hands and ran…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Liberia Missions School Uncategorized

Opportunities for Fall

Isaac Response:  Has moved away from immediate relief needs (hot meals and 1st response supplies) to long term recovery.  CitiIMPACT is committed to serving for the long term.  We need your help to do that!  Teams are needed now and will be needed through next summer.  Much of the area…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Hurricane Leadership Development Liberia Missions School Uncategorized

HOPE Goes Too Far

You can be part by: Praying, Sending, Going and Giving. Contact us today to connect be part of Bridging HOPE to those who need it. Blessings, CitiIMPACT Team…
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DIsaster Relief Uncategorized

Yes, it is “that bad”, but . . .

Despite the lack of news coverage, Isaac has created a major disaster for thousands in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida Early estimates 13,000 homes flooded just in LA. 150,000 still without power in LA, this stifling heat and humidity. Emotional and spiritual needs are huge. Many are ready to give up.…
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DIsaster Relief Missions Uncategorized

Onsite in New Orleans; Distribution begins

CitiIMPACT Founder, JD Smith, is on the ground through MS and LA this weekend.  While Isaac is “not a Katrina” there has been extensive damage to many homes and communities due to flooding.   Your help is needed as we work with our partners to help meet immediate needs of…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Liberia Missions School Uncategorized

Reports from Affiliates Across Gulf Region

UPDATED 3:30 PM Braithewaite way more water than Katrina.  Many homes underwater. Our affiliate, his church and the warehouse, are all currently fine on the other side of flood wall. Reports as of 1:30 PM EST from Affiliates in: Plaquemines Parrish:  Impassible in the south, electric lines down, water rescues.…
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Church Leadership Development Missions Uncategorized

Special THANKS to our Amazing VOLUNTEERS!

This summer has proven to be a busy one, so much so we haven’t shared many updates!  We wanted to take some time to catch you up.  The following includes some reports on domestic disaster relief.  Our Liberia updates will come in a few days. CitiIMPACT has had teams from…
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