Despite the lack of news coverage, Isaac has created a major disaster for
thousands in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida

- Early estimates 13,000 homes flooded just in LA.
- 150,000 still without power in LA, this stifling heat and humidity.
- Emotional and spiritual needs are huge. Many are ready to give up.
CitiIMPACT is helping to coordinate relief efforts in Plaquemines and Laplace by:
- Working with over 50 local pastors in 5 parishes.
- Managing a 40,000 sq. ft warehouse in LaPlace where multiple partners (and many trucks are just showing up from unknown places!) are shipping supplies into and then being distributed
- 15,000 sq. ft. warehouse in Braithwaite we have use of as well.
- Have been feeding over 5,000 meals a day with partners and generous sponsors in multiple sites. Reefer trucks, mobile kitchens, and grills are humming.
- Capacity to serve up to 10,000 meals a day as residents return to assess
- Building Unity among faith-based groups, leaders, and local churches, as together we can do more. Amazing to see what God does, when we aren’t so concerned about who gets the credit!
- Training locals in case management and needs assessments
- Gridding volunteers, housing is in place. First response teams on ground now from partner churches. Sign up NOW.
- Funding – this is a huge operation. Needs are vast and plentiful. Through gifts-in-kind from generous corporate sponsors we can leverage your donation dollars at least 100 times! This will be put towards rescue efforts as well as the eventual restoration cleanup which residents will not be able to afford on their own. Without it it could mean homelessness for many people.
- Volunteer teams for cooking, roofing and mucking – immediate and long term
- Administration – on site and behind scenes for highly qualified folks that can dedicate a few weeks
- Share the needs with others (your church, facebook, emails, etc.)
- If you have contacts w/retail or manufacturers need for large palletized quantities of ice, water, cleaning supplies, food, and paper products.
- Fresh meat to grill
- Do you have a specific skill or product that could be useful? Tell us about it!
Helping People Help People!

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