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Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Missions School Uncategorized

Miracles in the Pain: One team’s AMAZING week.

This is one of those stories.  One that should maybe be a book or a movie.  One that shows how God weaves together people, places, and events for His good in His timing.  It is long, but I promise you won’t be sorry. (*Some names changed to protect privacy). A…
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Serving with CitiIMPACT in Disaster Zones

Many people are wanting to serve in disaster areas.  We love and appreciate that, as help is desperately needed.  We have found a functional structure that works for us, does not run over our local partners, and builds long term sustainability. Requirements: We take TEAMS of 4 or more people…
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How to Help AND How not to Help

You have seen the news. You know it is bad. The pain is heart wrenching. Natural tendancies is to want to help. To reach out to fellow humans in need. We get this. However, we have seen time and time again how good intentions go terribly wrong and create a…
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PRAY NOW!  Up to 75 kids are trapped under school debris from tornado that recently hit Moore, OK just south of Oklahoma City.  Possibly F5 tornado, extensive damage in highly populate area.   JD was flying from TX (Grandbury tornado and West) to NYC (Sandy recovery).  Trying to reroute to…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Liberia Missions School Uncategorized

TEXAS Tornado Response

CitiIMPACT’s TEXAS Tornado Response. Local resident, “It was like HELL!” Overnight and At this hour our on the ground assessments were and are underway in the aftermath of the deadly tornadoes. We’re working through local authorities and Local Churches to get them needed HELP & HOPE. We also have Relief…
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West, Texas and Boston and…

CitiIMPACT Release: Mayor Tommy Muska of West in Texas told CitiIMPACT this morning, that they “don’t need any more donated items at this time”. CitiIMPACT & partners in & near West, Texas & from around the USA will be focusing on the rebuilding efforts to come for families who are…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Liberia Missions School Uncategorized

Sparks in the Dark

Sparks in the Dark . . . Our hearts are heavy today as we pray for and grieve with those who lost loved ones and those still fighting to survive.  Peace was once again shattered, innocence lost. Thousands struggle to make sense of the senseless.  The “Why’s?” and “What if’s?”…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Liberia Missions School Uncategorized

No Time to Die

Tim Davis is an exceptional man who is serving and leading with grace….a Dead Man Living! Read Tim’s family miracle. Tell us yours! FACEBOOK LIKE US! TWITTER TWEET US!…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Liberia Missions School Uncategorized

2 Things in Common: Myrtle Beach and Liberia

YY  We are so excited to announce this, we just couldn’t wait! Join us in celebrating what the LORD is doing! JD Smith and CitiIMPACT Ministries There are many new developments to share with you concerning Liberia!The details are being hashed out but we couldn’t wait any longer to share with you some of…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Missions Uncategorized

Spring and Summer Updates for Teams

Spring and Summer Service Trips Updates . . .   Scheduling through August and into the Fall now.   May has lots of availability.  June and July are filling up quickly.  Encourage you to act quickly, especially if you have a group with over 20 individuals.   NOW SERVING: Skilled…
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