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DIsaster Relief Hurricane Uncategorized

Remembering Katrina: Impossible to Forget

Their Stories Became our Stories This is such a struggle. Adequately memorializing the events, images, pain, people, and experiences during Katrina recovery is impossible within the confines of a newsletter. In speaking yesterday to my dear friend who lost her home and nearly her life in Katrina, she said the…
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DIsaster Relief Uncategorized

Mission Field Comes to You!

Most Recent Newsletter – View and Subscribe.   Frisco, TX and Charleston, WV served their neighbors and their world without leaving home. YOU Can DO It Too!   Meal MANIA  volunteers in Charleston WV, packed over 100,000 meals in July. These will go to ISIS persecuted regions, stored for U.S. disasters,…
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Teams Needed for Rebuilds Now

View in Blog NEW Summer 2015 Building Opportunities. Mississippi – was hit by tornados last spring. CitiIMPACT has worked closely advising their Long Term Recovery committees, sent multiple semi loads of building supplies, and teams.  Yesterday, we learned that at least three families have fallen between the cracks.  We need your help…
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Church DIsaster Relief Missions School Uncategorized

One Tiny Child, One Big Mission: Keep “Hope ” Alive  Read  and sign up to our email subscriber list. Lessons Taught By One Small Team & One Tiny Child Meet Zoey, a  tiny yet tenacious, soon to be 13 year old. What Zoey lacks in stature she makes up for in personality, attitude, determination, and grit.  Don’t tell this girl she can’t do…
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DIsaster Relief Leadership Development Liberia Missions Uncategorized

Open Positions: Are You The One?

Seeking Mission Minded Individuals: Regional & National Opportunities CitiIMPACT has openings for various positions at both local and national levels.  You could be one we need!  Do you sense God is calling you to something new?  Perhaps you are in a position that is not fulfilling and you’d like to…
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Bringing Missions to Your Backdoor!

Reaching Your Community, Disaster Zones, and 3rd World Countries . . . All from your own backdoor! Many of you would love to do missions but the cost as well as time away from home, work, and other obligations makes it tough at this time.  Well CitiIMPACT can bring the mission…
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Opportunities to Bridge Hope

UNITED STATES – NATURAL DISASTER RESPONSE Scheduling Teams Now! Current disaster recovery locations are in:  New Jersey, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Oklahoma.  College Alternative Spring Break, youth mission’s experience, skilled adults  . . .  all wanted and needed!   Sign up today as spots are limited.  In addition, opportunities this year for you to serve without leaving home!…
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“They Are Not Going Away”

  Disasters are not going away.  As you look at the news you see them increasing and the bible says they will continue to do so.  We have natural disasters and epidemics, as well as the current man made disasters: war, border crisis, terrorism, and abhorrent acts of evil.  It can become overwhelming…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Liberia Missions School Uncategorized

Christmas Doesn’t Come from a Store

CLICK TO READ IT HERE: or below: CHRISTMAS DOESN’T COME FROM A STORE, IT’S A WHOLE LOT MORE! Dear Friends,   Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!  We are so thankful for each of you that have served with us on teams, sent funds, and prayed for us this…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Liberia Missions School Uncategorized

Starting Over Means MOORE

Our kids went back to school yesterday, now both as middle schoolers!  We lament at how quickly time has passed, for it really was just last week that they went to preschool.  Yet, we are so thankful that they are growing and learning in an amazing school with vast opportunities…
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