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Bringing Missions to Your Backdoor!

Reaching Your Community, Disaster Zones, and 3rd World Countries . . .

All from your own backdoor!

Many of you would love to do missions but the cost as well as time away from home, work, and other obligations makes it tough at this time.  Well CitiIMPACT can bring the mission field to you!  You can meet the needs of those that are hungry and lack adequate housing in your own community and a world away.

Meal MANIA – Fun, high energy, meal packing event.  The FDA approved meals are not only sent overseas, but also stored to help in the next large scale US disaster AND up to 1/2 of the meals can stay local to serve your own ministries, local outreaches, homeless and at-risk populations.  

Watch video of recent Meal MANIA.

Building Hope –   Sheds are framed in your church parking lot and shipped to families in disaster zones who need a place to store their belongings while they rebuild. Some can also be used to bless families in need in your own community.

Email us today: to schedule either (or both at the same time would be double the blessing!) missions opportunity for 2015.

Louisville, Mississippi Tornado Recovery Update:
On April 28th, 2014 an F4 Tornado ripped through a 34.3 mile track. Destroying 352 homes, damaging an additional 250, and left 10 dead.CitiIMPACT has collaborated with local organizations and churches by supplying teams and materials (shingles, tubs, sinks, toilets, lumber, stone, tile, electrical, etc.) for rebuilding efforts in our case-managed system.  Currently, 10 homes are completed, 4 under construction, and 21 additional homes planned for rebuild.  Thanks for all who have given to help in this effort. 
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