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DIsaster Relief Uncategorized

Mission Field Comes to You!

Most Recent Newsletter – View and Subscribe.   Frisco, TX and Charleston, WV served their neighbors and their world without leaving home. YOU Can DO It Too!   Meal MANIA  volunteers in Charleston WV, packed over 100,000 meals in July. These will go to ISIS persecuted regions, stored for U.S. disasters,…
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Church DIsaster Relief Ebola Education Hurricane Liberia Missions School

Mark Your Calendars!

View in newsletter form We are thankful that there hasn’t been a major US disaster this year.  Even so, we must prepare and not let our gaurd down. Even so, many are hurting due to tornados, floods, hunger, and homelessness.  Even so, other parts of the world are in desperate…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Liberia Missions School

USA Today Highlights CitiIMPACT

Meal MANIA:      106,080 MEALS PACKED at Meal Mania Myrtle Beach October 25, 25! Hundreds of USA & overseas kids will have sustainable nutrition. You can be involved too! Click HERE for info        The first CitiIMPACT Meal MANIA launches in Myrtle Beach this coming Friday and Saturday. It’s…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Liberia Missions School Uncategorized

Starting Over Means MOORE

Our kids went back to school yesterday, now both as middle schoolers!  We lament at how quickly time has passed, for it really was just last week that they went to preschool.  Yet, we are so thankful that they are growing and learning in an amazing school with vast opportunities…
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