Please keep this event and the 500 volunteers in your prayers. We will be packing meals for needy children. A portion of this will stay local to support area food banks and homeless shelters, the rest will be shipped overseas to partnering schools and orphanages. As we see in Liberia, a child is really only able to learn once their stomach stops hurting. You can bring Meal MANIA to your city. Email if interested in knowing how.
Our first partner school opened in Liberia last month. We need sponsors for the following children.
CitiIMPACT will be sending a team in February ’14 to Liberia. Can you come or contribute to send others?
Disaster Relief and Recovery Continue:
10 semi loads of supplies went to Colorado to assist with massive flooding this past month.
Thousands of hot meals were served in CO through our coalition.
A semi of new mattresses arrived in Moore, OK
Multiple loads of building materials are being used by teams on Staten Island, New Jersey, New Orleans, and Moore, OK to help families who fell through the cracks with rebuilds. Look for special stories from these families coming soon.
Teams Reserving NOW:
OK, NY, NJ, NOLA, CO,and AL all continue to need teams and will into the Spring and Summer of 2014. Please fill out this team form for more information. Keep in mind that March, April, June, and July are our busiest months. If you want to come in those months please don’t delay in reserving spots. We encourage teams to remain flexible as to locations until at least 2 months prior as disasters are never predictable.
Disaster Training Coming to You:
Not once have we responded to a disaster where the community and specifically the Church was prepared. We’d like to change that.Here is a brief outlineabout what CitiIMPACT can do with you in your area. Of course, we will fit your needs. The following are cities that have voiced an interest in training for 2014. If you are near these and want to join in let us know.
Cleveland, OH
Cincinnati, OH
Baltimore, MD
Seattle, WA
Dallas, TX
Oklahoma City, OK
Myrtle Beach, SC
Can we add your city?!?
Thanks for Being Part of CitiIMPACT Missions and Making A Difference!
JD & Toni Smith
CitiIMPACT Ministries is a Missions organization serving children, families & communities with HOPE, helping them reach their full potential, overcoming at-risk situations.
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