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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Liberia Missions School Uncategorized

No Time to Die

Tim Davis is an exceptional man who is serving and leading with grace….a Dead Man Living! Read Tim’s family miracle. Tell us yours! FACEBOOK LIKE US! TWITTER TWEET US!…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Liberia Missions School Uncategorized

2 Things in Common: Myrtle Beach and Liberia

YY  We are so excited to announce this, we just couldn’t wait! Join us in celebrating what the LORD is doing! JD Smith and CitiIMPACT Ministries There are many new developments to share with you concerning Liberia!The details are being hashed out but we couldn’t wait any longer to share with you some of…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Missions Uncategorized

Spring and Summer Updates for Teams

Spring and Summer Service Trips Updates . . .   Scheduling through August and into the Fall now.   May has lots of availability.  June and July are filling up quickly.  Encourage you to act quickly, especially if you have a group with over 20 individuals.   NOW SERVING: Skilled…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Liberia Missions School Uncategorized

Christmas LIGHT in light of Recent Events

The BREAKING NEWS can also be read HERE. This Volunteer Team from Cincinnati briefly tells their story of sharing light during a recent CitIMPACT Missions trip to New Jersey shortly after Super Storm Sandy. Click HERE.…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Liberia Missions School Uncategorized

No Home for Christmas

As we busily prepare for Christmas, let us not forget those desperately hurting this year. Over 60,000 people have been left homeless due to Sandy.  There is little temporary housing, emergency shelters have closed, and gracious friends and families who opened up their home are feeling the “inconvenience” of extra…
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Missions Uncategorized

Still Now . . . Peace in the Midst of the Storm

[slideshow] WATCH OUR SLIDESHOW OF NEW PHOTOS ABOVE and VIDEOS BELOW! Midland Beach Couple Loose all, Still have Peace Now Two weeks after Sandy devastated  much of NY and NJ.  Many people still haven’t been able to return to what is left of their homes.  Thousands still without electricity.  Yet hope STILL remains. CitiIMPACT…
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Church DIsaster Relief Leadership Development Missions Uncategorized

Super Storm SANDY Stories

Last night’s nor’easter was a slap in the face to millions struggling to survive following Super Storm Sandy. Thousands are still without power . . . OR without power yet again. Many have no heat and no water as well. Roofs remain in need of repair as roofing companies (look…
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Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Missions Uncategorized

SANDY: Preparation and Response to Epic Storm

You’ve surely seen the headlines:  “One for the record books”, “The largest storm to EVER hit the United States”, “Millions will be without power”, “25 foot waves on Lake Michigan”.  “Epic”. Given the area covered and population within, Sandy will surely affect you or someone you know directly.  Help us…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Liberia Missions School Uncategorized

65000. Are you One?

65000. The number of damaged families’ homes in Mississippi and Louisiana from Hurricane Isaac. Are you One of them? Is your neighbor One of them? 59,000 in Louisiana and 6000 in Mississippi. Are you surprised to hear about this high number? Many are! 200,000 is the number damaged due to Hurricanes Katrina and…
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Child Sponsorship Church DIsaster Relief Education Liberia Missions School Uncategorized


 An anthropologist proposed a game to the kids in an African tribe. He put a basket full of fruit near a tree and told the kids that who ever got there first won the sweet fruits. When he told them to run they all took each others hands and ran…
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