You’ve surely seen the headlines: “One for the record books”, “The largest storm to EVER hit the United States”, “Millions will be without power”, “25 foot waves on Lake Michigan”. “Epic”.
Given the area covered and population within, Sandy will surely affect you or someone you know directly. Help us help YOU and help us help THEM.
If YOU are in Sandy’s Path:
- Make all precautions and preparations to care for yourself and your family. Err on side of caution.
- Keep us posted on the conditions in your area, so we can best assess where to send supplies and volunteers. Text CitiIMPACT at 704-507-6579
- Let us know if your church is in a position to help your community should the need arise. We are staging now for distribution of hot meals and supplies as well as volunteers. We can assist them in how to become a relief station.
For those of you out of harms way:
- GIVE – This will be a costly operation. A hot meal is at least $1, multiply that by potentially 20,000 meals a day for up to two weeks. This doesn’t include cost to deploy, other supplies needed for relief and recovery.
- NETWORK – Who do you know in those areas? Need warehouse space, distribution sites, churches for case management of recovery needs. It is best to make calls before it strikes, as communication will soon be tough. Give them our number to text.
- BE ON STANDBY to respond. Let us know if you can bring a team.
CitiIMPACT and it’s large collaboration of partners are moving supplies and equipment into staging areas ready to respond where the need is greatest. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. The logistical coordination is daunting. We need wisdom as to where to go and when.
Be Safe!
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