CitiIMPACT has partners on the ground. They are overwhelmed with the need, the cries for help, the despair and the devastation. Metro Ministries CEO, Bill Wilson called JD when he first landed back into New York today. He said before they’d made contact with us they just didn’t know what to do to help the thousands of children and families they serve. We’ve committed to help them form a relief center. The same is true with partners overwhelmed on the Jersey Shore with no electric, no gas, no food, no homes.
Thanks to our network of suppliers and first response teams:
- 7 semis of supplies are shipping TODAY to 3 sites, more in days to come
- Thousands of hot meals are being served.
- An admin team is being dispatched to establish distribution, case management, and volunteer team coordination.
Yet, the costs of this relief are staggering, the needs so vast. We know you want to help. Here is how:
- PRAY – May God’s POWER be evident to heal and restore
- Collect special offering at your church to pay for hot meals ($1 per meal times 20,000 meals per day is conservative number), charcoal, shipping, gas, immediate needs, etc.
- Connections to supplies of palletized items (no loose items or used clothes please! Just bogs the system) or meats for cooking hot meals
- Share this with all social networks, by email, etc.
- DONATE – this has address to send check and direct PayPal link
- Form a team. Limited on who can go now, mostly just cooking teams. But soon will need teams for childcare, kids activities, clean up, serving, warehouse, counseling, etc. Let us know your availability. Need team of at least 4.
- PLEASE DO NOT get in your car and go with no contact. There is no gas for those that are there, lines are miles long, first responders cant get through. Your motives are good, but this will only hurt. Our first teams are currently scheduled for Nov. 12th unless they are self contained certified responders.
Special thanks to the churches that are “PAYING IT FORWARD”. Led by a challenge from Pastor Neil in Laplace, LA,( whose own church is still a relief center following Isaac) to give back. Many churches who CitiIMPACT has sent teams and supplies to in the past are now themselves collecting offerings and sending teams to assist! You can’t out give God.
Thank YOU for your doing what you can, with what you have, where you are.
Helping People Help People,
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