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Hurricane Matthew – Prepare, Response

Matthew Updates 10/27 and Need Through CitiIMPACT and our partners: 25 semi loads of supplies delivered 200,000 meals provided Teams serving in 5 towns One recipient was the tiny town of Nichols, SC whose residents were only allowed to re-enter this past Saturday. This is a highly impoverished area. Of…
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An Amazing Grace Week in #LouisianaFloods

Day 12 for Louisiana families. These photos were taken Wed. August 24th at Day 11 after flooding.  As you see many are still under flood waters. [image src=”” width=”” height=”” align=”center” caption=”” link=”” link_image=”” target=”” alt=”Campus Pastor we had do an interview onsite with us south of Lafayette.” border=”0″ greyscale=”0″…
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Louisiana Flooding …

Update 8-19  Locals are calling it Katrina without the wind.   CitiIMPACT has 12 distribution sites across Baton Rouge and soon Lafayette.  Cooking teams fed more than 30,000 meals yesterday.  Need is Massive.  Please Help.  Sign up to bring a team.   DONATE  Just because the news is focused on Olympics…
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#WVFloods Update for Week 2 from JD Smith

#WVFloods Update for Week 2 from JD Smith CitiIMPACT Ministries partners, like you & because of you, unloaded our 18th semi of Relief Aid for #WVFloods last night! This one (pictured above) was in Clay, West Virginia. We currently have 4 more semis on standby to ship in as supplies dissipate.…
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CitiIMPACT joins with our nation in prayer for #Dallas

CitiIMPACT joins with our nation in prayer for #Dallas May the Lord forgive all of our violence, sins and heal our land. #Dallas Truly, America needs The Lord. We have Dallas boots on the ground ministering to those who are grieving in the streets, even during the midst of the unfolding…
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Boy – Clendenin, WV (photo credit to Nick Scott)

See how you can be part of CitiIMPACT ‪#‎DisasterRelief‬‬ to ‪#‎WVFlood‬‬ kids…

See how you can be part of CitiIMPACT ‪#‎DisasterRelief to ‪#‎WVFlood kids… In the early 1990’s, CitiIMPACT began through inner city ministries in West Virginia and has many ties throughout the state. Recent natural disasters in West Virginia really hit home for us. If you feel called to make an…
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Deploying Relief Aid to West Virginia Flood Victims June 2016

Deploying Relief Aid to West Virginia Flood Victims June 2016 June 23, 2016 – At least 20 people have died so far in wild waters due to massive flooding across West Virginia. Heavy thunderstorms caused trees and power lines to fall and creeks and rivers to overflow out of their…
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Christmas Storms…

Whew Friends! Christmas celebrations took a big deter for thousands, if not millions, of people around the country with multiple, and still ongoing, disasters. While some faced major electrical issues, others were concerned about their damaged roofs. Regarding the electrical problems, some residents were seen taking help of local electricians.…
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34 Semi Loads and Fed 38,000 meals!

Field Report: South Carolina Flooding CitiIMPACT, through your partnership and others nationally, has been honored to coordinate 34 semi loads of supplies and feed 38,000 hot meals over the past 12 days throughout SC.  Wow!  That is a lot of water, Gatorade, diapers, and hygiene  products, not to mention a whole lot of BBQ…
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SC Flooding – How to Help

Latest news SC flooding CitiIMPACT responding to Historical 1000 year flooding in SC.  Please read link above for ways to help.  Share with others.…
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