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Hurricane Matthew – Prepare, Response

Matthew Updates 10/27 and Need

Through CitiIMPACT and our partners:

  • 25 semi loads of supplies delivered
  • 200,000 meals provided
  • Teams serving in 5 towns

One recipient was the tiny town of Nichols, SC whose residents were only allowed to re-enter this past Saturday. This is a highly impoverished area. Of the 250 homes, it is estimated that 230 are badly damaged or destroyed, and few if any had home insurance (like the kind discussed here). Not having home insurance can be detrimental and will deeply impact those who weren’t covered. Having that coverage means getting back on your feet and repairing your home doesn’t have to come out of your pocket primarily. Those that can afford it should always look into a home insurance quote; it is unfortunate that many are left unable to afford such a necessity. Only one business has reopened and every church is closed. They say it will take a miracle to come back. Beyond this, there is a deep hurt, a feeling they have been forgotten. For the coverage of Hurricane Matthew has long ago been out of the news, even though for this town the work has just begun. While visiting on Monday, one pastor told me that CitiIMPACT was the only group he had seen or who had reached out to help. They are in need of boots and muscles on the ground, shoulders to cry on, and they need to know they aren’t alone or forsaken. Would you, your church, your business be able to bring a team (4 or more) to love on Nichols? We have housing, but at this point in recovery even those coming for a day are welcome.

Yesterday the pastor of a sizable church (250 plus members) and his associate personally went door to door in Nichols to get CitiIMPACT needs assessment forms filled out, so we can even know where to begin. Today a CitiIMPACT team will work to muck out a widow’s home … 229 to go. Please come. Email me today for further information:

If you are unable to travel with a team at this time or if you’d like to also help financially, please DONATE towards the recovery efforts.

Also taking teams to Fayetteville, NC and Lumberton NC for Matthew relief as well as continued recovery in West Virginia and Louisiana. The need is great. Your help means so much.

Toni Smith

Hurricane Matthew’s Massive Magnitude

Quick Update 10/8 2pm – How YOU can help:

CitiIMPACT is assessing damage from FL to NC. If you are in those areas or have friends & family in those areas we ask for your help in being eyes and ears on the ground. The scope of this is so large that we need everyone.

  • Be SAFE yourself – Don’t cross closed roads, high water, or electric lines.
  • Let us know if hear of residential, non-vacation type areas that are heavily damaged by flooding or wind. Any details you can provide are important.
  • Do you have contacts with churches, businesses near those zones that are safe and dry to provide basecamps for supplies, teams, or cooking units? Have them contact us.

You can also let us know if you have a team to bring. As soon as it is safe we to bring people in, we will be in touch with you. Info needed for teams of 4 or more:

  • Numbers of people, ages (no one under 16 for at least 2 weeks), flexibility of travel dates, length of travel, where you are from, skills in group.
  • Only take individual volunteers with specific skill sets (contractors, administrative, first response, etc.) who can stay for 2 weeks or more at a time and prepared to be self sustaining.

Finally of course you can give. Financial support is critical at this time. Remember we can stretch your donation dollars 50 times or more through our gift in kind and volunteers.
TEXT “IMPACT” to 444999 to Donate and hear more

Please share this info with your churches, friends, and family.

Thank you for doing your part to make a difference. It may feel like just a “drop in the bucket”. But those drops fill buckets when we work together.

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UPDATE 10/7 3:30 PM

Matthew has left a trail of destruction and continues now in Northern FL, GA, and SC.

Haiti was especially devastated. The death toll is officially at 800, based on partners on the ground we believe that will climb much higher. We’ve received frightening email reports from them. Within this extreme humanitarian crisis, CitiIMPACT and it’s collaborative partners have been able to deliver over 100,000 meals and relief aid to those in Port Lafiteau, Miragoane, Jeremie, and Les Anglais by way of a barge. These areas are impossible to get to via land right now. The barge will likely make trips for a few more days with more supplies. Your financial support is critical to keep product moving.

USA Update. It appears the worst will be the storm surge and flooding. Watching Charleston, SC very carefully as they are now thinking a possible landfall here. Above all be safe. We will not send in teams until we know it is safe and our teams will be more help than in the way. Again, please give towards the massive relief effort through your time, talent, and treasures.

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Update: 10/6

CitiIMPACT is preparing a multi state and country response and recovery effort as current forecast is calling for Cat 4 storm to hit the Florida space coast hard and continue to wreck havoc up FL and through GA and SC coastline. We pray that the course and intensity changes, yet prepare for the worst; as we hope you are if in the path. Be safe.

Supplies already on the ground in Haiti as they are currently dealing with the aftermath of Matthew. Humanitarian crisis on top of tragedy for this poverty stricken nation where over 60,000 were still in tents from the earthquake in 2010.
CitiIMPACT has made contact with partner churches and organizations from Miami to Myrtle Beach. We have sites lined up for distribution, warehouses, staging of teams and cooking sites. We need more, as this area is so expansive and exact areas of highest impact unknown. Who do you know? Get us connected please. It’s best to do this before storm hits as phone and electricity will likely be down for days in places.

Obviously, we need your financial support in all disasters. But especially one of this magnitude. Please GIVE. You can text IMPACT to 444999 for easy tax deductible donation. Go online, or mail a check to : PO BOX 605 Davidson NC 28036. Inform your churches, businesses and friends. Remember, through CitiIMPACT we multiply your cash donations over 50 times.

We also need more gifts-in-kind donations. Prefer new, palletized donations in semi load increments of water, food, toilettees, cleaning supplies, building supplies, etc. Again, do not send used clothing.

Let us know if you can bring a first response team. Initially only adults who can take care of themselves in terms of food and shelter. Once volunteer housing is open we will broaden our criteria. Just keep us posted with numbers in your team, skills, and availability. Do not self deploy.

Join us in Prayer for the millions in Matthew’s track.


CitiIMPACT team

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Hurricane Matthew plows through Haiti as a Category 4 storm: 40 inches of rain, mudslides, death, and destruction to this already poverty stricken nation.

CitiIMPACT is preparing to send in supplies. Your monetary donations are critical and time is of an essence. *Please give now.
Cuba and Bahamas also set for direct hit.

Eye is then on US with expected landfall in SC/NC and states of emergencies issued from Florida to NC. Prepare now and remain weather alert if you are in those areas.

[Image of probabilities of 34-kt winds]
CitiIMPACT is staging supplies of water, toiletries, non perishable food, cleaning supplies, as well as have our cooking units on standby to prepare hot meals for those greatly impacted.

*Donors who would like to designate their financial gifts for Hurricane Relief may do so by writing “Hurricane Relief” in the memo line of their check or by typing it in notes field of our online giving form. Please mail checks to PO Box 605 Davidson NC 28036. 100% of donations designated for Hurricane Relief will be used for that purpose.

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