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CitiIMPACT is Responding Even in The Midst of Florence's Fury
DIsaster Relief Hurricane Hurricane Florence

CitiIMPACT is Responding Even in The Midst of Florence’s Fury

The firefighters above kneel and pray after being unable to rescue a mother and daughter when a tree fell on their home in Wilmington, NC. There are still days of flooding rain ahead for much of the Carolinas. Please join us in kneeling and praying for all in the path.…
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Hurricane Florence disaster donations
DIsaster Relief Flooding Hurricane Hurricane Florence Uncategorized

Hurricane Florence Aims for Carolinas

Time is Now: Prepare, Send Help, Be Help. Hurricane Florence is expected to make landfall on the North Carolina Coast as a Category 3 or 4 storm early Friday morning. Besides the winds; storm surge and inland flooding are of major concern. Prepare If you are anywhere near the cone…
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Corporate Volunteer

Many Opportunities to Make a Difference – Your Part Matters

Long Term Transformation Team Forms in Puerto Rico: Under CitiIMPACT’s direction a group has formed to lead the recovery forward. It is made up of pastors, business owners, civic leaders, and hotel and tourism managers. They are asking you to join them in building back (literally, as well as economically…
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CUT OFF and Crippled after Hurricane Maria

Most of Puerto Rico, a US territory,  is facing a humanitarian crisis.  No electricity.  Bridges are out.  Some villages still haven’t been accessed. Hospitals unable to function.  Many are separated from loved ones and unsure if they are alive.   People are more desperate by the day as food, water, gas, …
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hurricane irma relief
DIsaster Relief Hurricane

Irma’s Vast Response Sept 11th

View this email in your browser Irma Leaves Large Path Destruction Millions without power, and may be for sometime.  Many communities not accessible yet. Pastors and leaders keep calling needing help. Help us Help Them Semi trucks are rolling and unloading to multiple sites.  From there our partners on the ground…
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hurricane irma volunteer relief
DIsaster Relief Hurricane

Irma Prestage Sept. 8th

Water & Supplies Prestaged through Partner Churches in Irma’s Path In the midst of the largest evacuation effort in US history, our trucks are rolling into  FL.  Our partner churches are ready to respond and serve their commmunities. One church even unloaded a semi after midnight last night.  That is commitment to…
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Read blog here Tornado deaths in January 2017 surpass all of 2016 Your prayers and support are needed for those in Albany, Georgia (hit by two tornados this month) and Hattiesburg, MS. These towns are struggling to cope with 19 deaths this past weekend, clean-up, and recovery.  A four year old…
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Tornado Response MS & GA

CitiIMPACT is sending semi loads of water into Hattiesburg, MS and Albany, GA areas who are in crisis after this past weekend tornados.  Sadly, at least 19 deaths were reported.  Your continued prayers are needed. We have assessment folks enroute who will be securing local church partnerships for long term…
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Saying “Goodbye”

With Much Gratitude Friends, We at CitiIMPACT are so thankful for your prayers, financial gifts, teams who served in disaster zones, faithful sponsors to our kids in Liberia, ambassadors who go the extra mile, church partners, collaboration partners,  and especially those who allow us to walk beside them in their times…
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Hurricane Uncategorized


HUMBLED by HIS HAND from HURRICANE to HEART ATTACK, HOSPITAL to HOME.  Personal account of HOPE & HEALING From JD and Toni Smith:  A little different update. Friday Oct. 7th – As we, our team, and partners monitored Hurricane Matthew, JD began having serious health issues.  We sent out immediate prayer requests…
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