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Many Opportunities to Make a Difference – Your Part Matters

Long Term Transformation Team Forms in Puerto Rico:

Under CitiIMPACT’s direction a group has formed to lead the recovery forward. It is made up of pastors, business owners, civic leaders, and hotel and tourism managers.

They are asking you to join them in building back (literally, as well as economically and spiritually) their island. The needs of Puerto Rico are great; longest black out in US history, suicides at all time high, youth with no hope for a future, mass exodus to states has left schools and workforce crippled, 100’s of thousands churches and homes destroyed. Supplies are hard to come by and expensive to ship. Alone, it is overwhelming but together we can make a difference. Here is how:

  • Bring Teams – serve, build, buy, and play!
  • Bring Leaders – need good minds to guide, give ideas, encourage the transformation team. (specifically looking for pastors and ministry leaders skilled in leadership development).
  • Bring Contractors – to assess needs and lead teams.
  • Bring Your Company – beautiful place for a conference, convention. We can connect you to a beach resort with conference rooms, tourism/adventure packages, transportation, etc. Spend a few days volunteering as a part of your overall experience.
  • GIVE towards the massive cost of supplies and shipping.

CitiImpact in Puerto Rico
This group from Kentucky helps with the distribution of blessing buckets and aid. Over 300 of them were here for their annual conference and signed up to sort, serve, and deliver every day for a week! Thank you!


Other ongoing opportunities:

Team from WA State serving in TX this week.
Team from WA State serving in TX this week. Thank you!
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