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USA Today Highlights CitiIMPACT

Meal MANIA:      106,080 MEALS PACKED at Meal Mania Myrtle Beach October 25, 25! Hundreds of USA & overseas kids will have sustainable nutrition. You can be involved too! Click HERE for info        The first CitiIMPACT Meal MANIA launches in Myrtle Beach this coming Friday and Saturday. It’s…
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Missions Uncategorized

Still Now . . . Peace in the Midst of the Storm

[slideshow] WATCH OUR SLIDESHOW OF NEW PHOTOS ABOVE and VIDEOS BELOW! Midland Beach Couple Loose all, Still have Peace Now Two weeks after Sandy devastated  much of NY and NJ.  Many people still haven’t been able to return to what is left of their homes.  Thousands still without electricity.  Yet hope STILL remains. CitiIMPACT…
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Church DIsaster Relief Leadership Development Missions Uncategorized

Super Storm SANDY Stories

Last night’s nor’easter was a slap in the face to millions struggling to survive following Super Storm Sandy. Thousands are still without power . . . OR without power yet again. Many have no heat and no water as well. Roofs remain in need of repair as roofing companies (look…
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Church DIsaster Relief Education Leadership Development Missions Uncategorized

SANDY: Preparation and Response to Epic Storm

You’ve surely seen the headlines:  “One for the record books”, “The largest storm to EVER hit the United States”, “Millions will be without power”, “25 foot waves on Lake Michigan”.  “Epic”. Given the area covered and population within, Sandy will surely affect you or someone you know directly.  Help us…
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