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Nebraska Flooding 2019
DIsaster Relief Flooding

Nebraska Flooding: Together We Respond

The Governor of Nebraska has said this flooding is the “worst disaster ever” for the state … 80 cities devastated, dams have washed away, thousands misplaced. CitiIMPACT has four semi loads of supplies en route to Nebraska, including a semi of Buckets of Hope, with an additional four loads ready…
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Team from WA State serving in TX this week.
DIsaster Relief Flooding Hurricane

Where To Volunteer For Hurricane Florence

Where To Volunteer For Hurricane Florence Ongoing support volunteers are needed for Hurricane Florence. How We Help People CitiIMPACT Ministries serves children, families & communities with HOPE, helping them overcome at-risk situations. We do this by forging collaborative partnerships bringing more resources together, multiplying efforts with sustainable impact. How You…
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Hurricane Florence disaster donations
DIsaster Relief Flooding Hurricane Hurricane Florence Uncategorized

Hurricane Florence Aims for Carolinas

Time is Now: Prepare, Send Help, Be Help. Hurricane Florence is expected to make landfall on the North Carolina Coast as a Category 3 or 4 storm early Friday morning. Besides the winds; storm surge and inland flooding are of major concern. Prepare If you are anywhere near the cone…
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DIsaster Relief Flooding Hurricane Missions


LOOK AT WHAT WE HAVE DONE – 2017 Highlights 2017 was filled with devastating natural disasters from Hurricanes to floods to wildfires.  Yet, you touched millions of people with help and hope.  We at CitiIMPACT are so thankful for all who gave, served, packed meals, built houses, came on mission trips,…
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Front Lines of Flooding

[quick_fact heading=”Update from Mike Haman of Healing Place Church” number=”” title=”Baton Rouge, Louisiana” animate=””][/quick_fact] CLICK TO VIEW: One of CitiIMPACT’s church partners reaching their city in it’s time of greatest need. Thank you for your donations and prayers. [divider height=”30″ style=”default” line=”default” themecolor=”1″] Flooded with HOPE While America watched the…
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Historic Louisiana Flooding

Historic Louisiana Flooding Volunteer & Donations Once again, even as we continue long term efforts in other states including the #WVFloods where we’ve launched a process of rebuilding homes, and engaging partners to sponsor 3 complete homes for families who have fallen through all the cracks…but now.. our neighbors in…
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West Virginia Flood Donation & Relief

West Virginia Flood Donation & Relief Organization We are a national disaster relief and volunteer fund. Help the victims of the West Virginia June 2016 flooding disaster. The flood in West Virginia has caused over 11,000 people to have to leave their homes, some of them with no home left…
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Houston Flooding May 2016

Houston Flooding (Harris County) May 2016 On April 19th, a flood of water hit Houston, TX. Over 1,000 homes have been enveloped in the water, causing families to seek refuge. CitiImpact has relief crews for cooking and supplies for the victims of this natural disaster in Houston on standby. A…
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