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Front Lines of Flooding

[quick_fact heading=”Update from Mike Haman of Healing Place Church” number=”” title=”Baton Rouge, Louisiana” animate=””][/quick_fact]

CLICK TO VIEW: One of CitiIMPACT’s church partners reaching their city in it’s time of greatest need. Thank you for your donations and prayers.

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Flooded with HOPE

While America watched the Olympics and politics, there were over 30,000 water rescurs in LA, leaving over 15,000 in shelters, and thousands more displaced.  Locals say it is “Katrina without the wind”.   Unprecidented. CitiIMPACT and our church and corporate sponsors  have responded. Thank you!

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  • 50,000 plus hot meals were provided on Friday alone. More expected today.
  • Over 20 semi loads of supplies have been delivered to 12 distribution sites.  More enroute.
  • Thousands of volunteers are gutting, cooking, serving, praying, washing, sorting, and loving.

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