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The World Is On PAUSE

Yes, the world is different now. In essence, life pressed a giant PAUSE button and we are not quite sure when it will reset. Our hope is that when it does we can all be better versions of ourselves. That is difficult if we only soak up the negative that is bombarding us from the media. Yes, we must be informed and be smart. However, I think we also need to take the time (we have a lot of it!) to practice an attitude of positivity.

So let’s give each other permission to PAUSE IT a few times a day, step away from the news and focus on the good.

How? P.A.U.S.E.

Pray – there is power in prayer. It changes things and also changes you. “Quiet your heart in His presence and pray: keep hope alive as you long for God to come through for you.” Psalm 37:7

Appreciate – the small things, there is always something to be thankful for. “Give thanks in ALL circumstances. . .” I Thess. 5:18

Understand – Sharing the burden tends to lighten it. “Keep me in your truth and let your compassion overflow to me no matter what I face.” Psalm 40:11

Share – the good news with others. “Like a drink of cool water to a weary thirsty soul, so hearing good news revives the spirit.” Prov 25:25

Encourage – one another. “Anxious fear brings depression, but a life-giving word of encouragement can do wonders to restore joy to the heart.” Prov. 12:25

So PAUSE IT and post the positive on your social media and ours, let’s be purposeful in our PAUSE.IT.ivity

It is contagious, be the carrier don’t wait to be exposed. Share the good that you see in humanity. How are your neighbors serving each other? When you are struggling read what others are saying. In this time of physical distance let us grow closer in relationships and support of each other.

Much love and prayers to you during this time.

Let us PAUSE together that we may bring HOPE during this challenging time in history.

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