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Over $50 Million in Gifts in Kind donations

We are so full of THANKS for you and all the CitiIMPACT partners whose GIVING has served over 45,000 families during times of disaster this year.

Over $50 Million in GIK (Gifts in Kind) donations have been distributed!

It includes the following:

  • 205 Containers of relief aid, medical supplies, furniture, appliances, new clothing, etc. were delivered by land, sea, and air.
  • 300,000 hot meals
  • 1 Million meal packs

In addition:

  • 12 homes built
  • 50 homes repaired
  • $508,600 in volunteer hours served

As you consider where to give tomorrow for Giving Tuesday please remember that 99.5% of everything received through CitiIMPACT goes directly to programming and is multiplied in value thanks to our millions of dollars in GIK. In addition, after relief we focus efforts on sustainability and transformation through empowering of local leaders.

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