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From Tornados to Coronavirus

You Can Bring Help & Hope in these trying days; from Tornados to Coronavirus.

This man’s house was destroyed in the tornado near Nashville.  His daughter lived across the street and narrowly escaped to the basement of her home with her two young children before the tornado hit.  Through your help, CitiIMPACT is providing supplies, support, and teams to help now and long term to this family and hundreds more who are devastated.

As you hear the news regarding current disasters it is easy to do one of two things:
  1. Panic – which leads to hysteria and irrational behavior.
  2. “Stick your head in the sand” – thus ignoring that there is a problem, or that the problem concerns you.
Neither is helpful to you or those in need.  Instead remember:
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”  2 Tim 1:7

So we encourage you to use that sound mind and PREPARE vs Panic, and use that power and love to HELP others instead of giving into the hype or ignoring the issue.

HOW TO PREPARE at this stage:

  1.  You have all heard it … Wash your Hands and Say your Prayers (for germs and Jesus are everywhere).
  2.  Stay informed.  Sort out the facts from the fake.
  3.  Have a plan in place in case infected or quarantined.
  1. We are signing up teams now to serve in TN through our partner churches in Juliet and Cookeville.  Help will be needed for at least 12 months.  If you are over 60 and/or have pre-existing conditions, now may not be the time for you to serve.
  2. If you can’t GO, please GIVE.  Your financial support will help get much needed relief aid, meals, and building supplies to the hard hit areas.
  3. PRAY for those in TN and those around the world who are hurting and afraid.
  4. Finally, please do not go to the area without an organizational covering.  You will clog the system and actually cause more harm.  Many volunteers had to be turned away this weekend.
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