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Deadliest U.S.A. Fire in 100 years

This amount of loss is incomprehensible; loved ones, homes, businesses, jobs, community, schools. Thousands are homeless. Being on an island that already had a housing shortage – where do they go?

CitiIMPACT Ministries, along with our partners are working to meet the current high level of human needs to sustain life and bring hope. We are working in cooperation with those who live in Maui, the surrounding islands, and the churches that serve them.

This is the earliest stage, there will be much more to do … much more.

How can you help?


  1. Comfort for those who are grieving and in trauma.
  2. For the Church to mobilize effectively by being the hands and feet of Jesus to the hurting.
  3. For the Hope of Jesus to be stirred in hearts.


Every dollar sent to CitiIMPACT Ministries will be multiplied at least 10x through our partnerships. We are working alongside local churches who best know the unique needs and complications presented on the island.

GIVE NOW. PayPal or wire transfer information is available.


When it is deemed safe, by Hawaii citizens’ invitation, and when we are certain we will not take resources or accommodations away from the locals who need it, CitiIMPACT will start sending teams to bridge to them the help and hope they desperately need rebuilding.

Donate to Maui Relief

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FIRE Destroys Lahaina, Maui

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Multiple Fronts: Floods, Fire, Hurricane