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How to Help AND How not to Help

You have seen the news. You know it is bad. The pain is heart wrenching. Natural tendancies is to want to help. To reach out to fellow humans in need. We get this. However, we have seen time and time again how good intentions go terribly wrong and create a bigger burden. PLEASE heed this advice:

1. DO NOT get in your car and drive there unannounced. You will clog the roads and be in the way of critical responders. Even if you are bringing in “supplies”, even if you are a nurse or a doctor or have equipment. You can’t even get in without proper clearance at this time, they will turn you around.

2. DONATE to CitiIMPACT. Your dollar donation is multiplied close to 100 times through goods and services. DO NOT gather used clothing items or loose items. It also clogs the system and creates bigger burden. We have donated palletized new items coming by the semi loads. Just need to pay shipping. If you form a team and come through us we can tell you things you can bring with you at the time.

3. IF you have the following skills, email me immediately to be put on standby, some can get in now, others by Thurs we estimate. Make sure to bring your InstantCard ID, or similar form of identification. We can get passes to enter the zone for: Medical personnel, Certified first responders, Folks with self contained feeding systems able to feed thousands at a time. Other skills you think might be useful feel free to email. ETA: Looking for skilled warehouse, distribution, and case managers who have done critical incidents in past and can commit to at least one week prefer two.

4. Otherwise only taking teams, not individuals, of 4 or more people who can be on standby to deploy, again the soonest we estimate is Friday for teams who can come for a week or longer. For at least next two weeks those need to be only over 18 years of age. If want to plan for late June through Fall we are scheduling teams age 14 and up. Preference goes to skilled teams. Fill out this initial form.

CitiIMPACT is cleared by EOC to be in the zone. We are prepared to:

  • House key personnel of up to 150 NOW at a local college and teams in future
  • Off load semi’s with palletized items immediately
  • Distribute supplies
  • Case manage needs
  • Feed 20,000 meals a day beginning tomorrow night

Above all please pray for families affected. May we be a small light of hope in the darkness.

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Serving with CitiIMPACT in Disaster Zones