Michael: 3rd Strongest Storm Ever to Make Landfall
Stronger than even Katrina, who comes in 4th. Michael made landfall as a strong Cat. 4 on October 10th. CitiIMPACT has sent millions of dollars worth of relief aid as well as teams assisting with recovery. Even now, 4 months later, people are desperate. Blue tarps, downed trees, and debris make up the majority of the landscape throughout the panhandle of Florida. People have no choice but to live in homes that are not safe; missing roofs or even walls.
YOU can make a difference. Please consider bringing a team to serve this area that seems to have been forgotten as the media moved on. Scheduling now for Spring and Summer. Following pictures are from team that served the end of January 2019.

Donate to Michael Relief and Recovery
Hurricane Michael Relief Supplies On Their Way
First semi loads are on the way to our staging and distribution site, a church partner in Marianna, FL. The pastor says that it is “Katrina like damage” all the way to where they are, 70 miles inland. His church members are all without power, hot meals, and many have even lost homes. Despite this, they keep asking him, “When can we help”? They aren’t asking for help for themselves but to help their neighbors. Amazing. Let us help them so they can help each other!
From there we can also box truck in supplies and hot meals to the hardest hit areas. This site is also able to take first response teams now for those willing and able to completely be self sustaining, you will have shelter.