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Uncharted: Major Hurricane in Midst of Pandemic

Uncharted 2020: Pandemic Meets Major Hurricane

Major Hurricane in Midst of Pandemic

We are Still Here. Are You?

Our mental, physical, financial, emotional and spiritual health has been tried to the brink this year. Now imagine all that with a life threatening Hurricane with catastrophic storm surge approaching. The needs will undoubtedly be great. CitiIMPACT partners in the area need you more than ever. They can not do this alone. Giving is down. Resources are spread thin. Yet together, we believe God will MAKE A WAY where there seems to be none.

Our first response teams are ready to deploy. Yes, it will look different. But with your help they are ready to feed and serve. We ask that you partner with us to Make A Way in this uncharted territory.

Make A Way

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