Texas Disaster Relief Organization & Volunteer Program
We are a large volunteer and donation based disaster relief organization that provides disaster relief for Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Floods and other natural disasters in Texas. Come help the victims of natural disasters with us!
As a catalyst of HELP and HOPE, CitiIMPACT Ministries develops partnerships between local churches, groups and individuals for greater effectiveness in meeting human needs, whether you’re located in Texas or not, you can still volunteer to help!
We gather teams of people together from schools like colleges and church groups in order to be on call when disasters strike. Our teams help sort donations and help the victims of disasters in Texas and other states, if and when possible. – CitiIMPACT
Texas is still suffering from the flooding that occurred in April of 2016. Look at the devastation that occurred in Texas from flooding in April through these few youtube videos.
Look at this video of a drone capturing some of the flooding damage from an aerial view.
Here is another one that shows the flooding damage from the street perspective. Flooding destroys homes, cars, businesses and can take lives. Many people lose their homes, cars, loved ones and in many cases where there is no insurance, families and people have to start over completely, living in shelters where once they had a home and a stable life. Many are not in the state financially to be able to recover. Fortunately, there are online fundraising ideas such as starting a GoFundMe page to get victims affected back on their feet. Additionally, by volunteering or donating to CitiIMPACT, you and we can help the victims of these disasters to recover and begin to lead a normal, stress-free life again. Hopefully, after these homes are rebuilt, those affected by this flood will consider taking out house insurance to keep their possessions safe in the future. In the meantime there are emergency electric and plumbing companies that can help aid people during this difficult time, for example, https://nanceservices.net/emergency-services/. No one wants to have to go through something like this, so it’s important to make sure that your home is covered by your insurance policy. If anyone wants to know more about home insurance, there is more info here.
How We Help Texas Disaster Victims
- First Response Supplies
Semi-trucks will arrive with water, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene items, paper products, baby products, and food items. - Logistical Guidance
Real-time coaching and support helps to establish communications, distributions centers, case management, and volunteer coordination. - Hot Meals
Mass cooking stations, staffed by disaster response veterans , bring self-contained units with the capacity for more than 20,000 meals each day. - Team Development
Following an initial needs assessment, roles are identified and coordinated according to skills needed within the community. Seasoned response members are brought in to assist and train the local leaders as needed as well as mission teams to help with debris removal, recovery, and rebuilds. - Transitional Recovery
As urgent needs transition to longer-term recovery, collaborative relationships are developed among local leaders for greater effectiveness. - Rebuilding
“House kits” and/or building supplies are available for qualified homeowners.
Meal M.A.N.I.A. (Millions Are Needing Immediate Aid)
Opportunities for individuals, teams, and corporate sponsorships. Join us in a fun fast paced two hour shift where meals are packed for people in need. Many people suffer mostly from simply not having enough food
- Up to 50% of meals can stay local. In partnership with local ministries and nonprofits serving at-risk children and families.
- Domestic use in CitiIMPACT’s U.S. disaster response. Our cooking teams served thousands of these meals in the past three years after Sandy, Isaac, and the Moore tornado. We just added some veggies and/or meat and served it up!
- Overseas. Partners in developing nations to reach school children and orphans in need. Without food in their belly it is nearly impossible to learn. Currently, the majority is being sent to Haiti and to those being persecuted and left homeless do to ISIS.
Want To Help Our Disaster Relief Organization In Texas?
Below are ways to give: