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Even Then … He is Faithful

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, CitiIMPACT had been a productive touch point ministry for over 20 years, having partners in hundreds of locations across the world. Within 30 days, we lost 95% of our revenue with no understanding of what was going to happen or how … but God!

We were honest with ourselves, others, and God. We knew that we had a lot more questions than answers, which is hard for leaders and Christ’s followers to say. Leaders are looked upon to provide direction and guidance. There is a vulnerability and authenticity to letting people know you do not know while showing confidence that God has it all figured out.

Now, nearly 3 years later, God’s plans are still being revealed for CitiIMPACT, as well as for our entire world. Yet, His faithfulness leads us to much THANKSGIVING!

Together, through God’s provision, CitiIMPACT and our partners have been able to do more, with less money than ever before. More people have been reached with the love, help, and hope of Jesus in times of disasters and wars than ever before. It has truly been miraculous. For those of you who have played a part through a prayer, a financial gift, or by volunteering … thank you!

Please continue with us in prayer and action as together we mourn loved ones and even grieve “the way it was before” the pandemic. Then let’s press into our combined newly unfolding realizations. In time we will all see God’s mercy, grace, and glory among the many heartaches of the past few years.

Isaiah 43:18-19 “Forget the things that happened in the past. Do not keep on thinking about them. I am about to do something new. It is beginning to happen even now. Don’t you see it coming? I am going to make a way for you to go through the desert. I will make streams of water in the dry and empty land.” Selah!

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