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Harvey’s Havoc no match for YOUR Help & Hope

Harvey’s Havoc no match for YOUR Help and Hope

Here is a bit of perspective on Harvey’s wrath:

  • Some 300,000 homes flooded
  • Estimated to be costliest disaster ever
  • Record rainfall in a single storm
  • Over 15,000 rescues
  • Unfortunately at least 40 deaths.
  • Thousands evacuated, most for weeks to come.

They are survivors not victims. We get to help them be overcomers!  It’s a collaborative effort and you are part of it. Thank you!

CitiIMPACT has 7 operational sites that are serving as warehouses (29 trucks delivered or in cue, worth millions in product), distribution, providing hot meals by the thousands(including our Meal MANIA product which will provide about 300,000 meals overall to TX), and beginning to stage teams:

  • Corpus Christi / Rockport (the direct brunt of hurricane winds)
  • North Houston – 2 sites
  • Rosenburg
  • Katy
  • Baytown
  • Beaumont/Port Arthur

Donations of Money:  are stretched over 100x during this stage as most product is donated and just requires shipping.
Work teams, 4 or more peopleSupplies: Connections to semi truck increments of Relief Aid products, on pallets, NEW only.

PRAYERS as if it was YOUR town, as many of you do know these pains.
Share opportunities with all.  Like our  FACEBOOK page to see photos, updates, and more opportunities to share the story.
You can also: Text IMPACT to 444999 for UPDATES, DONATE and VOLUNTEER 
Collect supplies and drop off at one of partner locations in Birmingham, AL or Nashville TN (email for address) who will sort, palletize, and deliver in effective manner to one of our sites via semi. No clothes, no household, no used anything.  Do not deliver these yourself into zone.
Urgent need for:
  • OTC Meds, First Aid Supplies, Plastic Gloves
  • Work Gloves and cleaning supplies
  • Phone Chargers
  • Bedding and Towels
  • Face Masks and Respirators
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Relief continues for Harvey even as we Prepare to Stage for Irma