Volunteer For Flood Relief & Volunteer To Help The Victims Of Flooding
We are a national flooding disaster relief organization that helps the victims of flooding through volunteer workers and surplus or financial donations.
Elevate Life Partnership from CitiIMPACT Ministries on Vimeo.
Volunteer To Help Flooding Victims
Since you never know when a flood may happen, we take volunteers on a stand-by basis. Use our flood relief volunteer form to sign up and be on call when the next flooding disaster strikes.
Donate To Help Flooding Victims
There are two ways you can donate to help the victims of flooding..
- Surplus Goods
Chain stores and large organizations can help by donating a tax-deductible amount of surplus goods and items for flooding disaster victims. Call for details: 704.507.6579 - Financial Donations
The value of all financial contributions to CitiIMPACT is multiplied at least 10 times through volunteer hours and gifts- in-kind. 98% of all donations are directed toward individuals in need. Your tax-deductible partnership with CitiIMPACT will make a powerful difference. See our donation page.